Thursday 20 September 2012

Soil battery

Make electricity from soil with coper and zink plate

1 comment:

  1. In 1861 telluric energy was discovered in the Alps. Today this technology is commonly called an earth battery, EB. Earth batteries work great at producing voltage. We can build an earth battery in series and create as many volts as desired. However, the amperage in an EB is very low. This is what has hindered the usefulness of the amazing earth battery. Here is how to build an earth battery.

    Adding amperage is quite simple and key to making real power. Power = Amps * Volts. We have to increase the current in amps to produce any real power. A simple law of physics shows that wiring in parallel will add the amps of the power sources. We need to introduce a source of high amps. A solar panel wired in parallel to the EB will give the circuit much needed amps. I built this and tested it several times. It works. This hybrid system can produce limitless green energy. The secret will be to have a special solar panel built. One that wires all the photovoltaic cells in parallel to maximize the amperage. One 4 inch square photovoltaic cell produces 3 amps. This super amp solar panel will make the system a powerhouse.
